Source code for pi3d.Texture

from __future__ import print_function

import ctypes
import sys, os
import numpy as np
import logging

from six_mod.moves import xrange

from pi3d.constants import (opengles, PIL_OK, GL_ALPHA, GL_LUMINANCE,
          PLATFORM, PLATFORM_PI, GLuint)
from pi3d.util.Ctypes import c_ints
from pi3d.util.Loadable import Loadable

if PIL_OK:
  from PIL import Image

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# from v.2.45 WIDTHS is deprecated but left in for backward compatibility
WIDTHS = [4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 144, 192, 256,
           288, 384, 512, 576, 640, 720, 768, 800, 960, 1024, 1080, 1920, 2048]
MAX_SIZE = max(WIDTHS) # also deprecated from v2.45
FILE = 0
                GL_LUMINANCE: 'L',
                GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: 'LA',
                GL_RGB: 'RGB',
                GL_RGBA: 'RGBA'}

[docs]def round_up_to_power_of_2(x): p = 1 while p <= x: p += p return p
[docs]class Texture(Loadable): """loads an image file from disk and converts it into an array that can be used by shaders. It inherits from Loadable in order that the file access work can happen in another thread. and the conversion to opengl format can happen just in time when tex() is first called. NB images loaded as textures can cause distortion effects unless they are certain sizes (below). **If the image width is a value not in this list then it will be rescaled with a resulting loss of clarity** Allowed widths 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 144, 192, 256, 288, 384, 512, 576, 640, 720, 768, 800, 960, 1024, 1080, 1920 """ def __init__(self, file_string, blend=False, flip=False, size=0, defer=DEFER_TEXTURE_LOADING, mipmap=True, m_repeat=False, free_after_load=False, i_format=None, filter=None, normal_map=None, automatic_resize=True): """ Arguments: *file_string* path and name of image file relative to top dir. Can now pass an already created PIL.Image object or a numpy array instead. The alpha value of Texture willl be set according to the 'mode' of Image objects or the size of the last dimension of numpy arrays (4 -> alpha is True) *blend* controls if low alpha pixels are discarded (if False) or drawn by the shader. If set to true then this texture needs to be drawn AFTER other objects that are FURTHER AWAY *flip* flips the image [not used for numpy arrays]. Now this parameter could be an integer value. If bit #0 is 1, a up-down flip is perfomed, also if bit #1 is set, a left-right flip occurs *size* to resize image to [not used for numpy arrays] *defer* can load from file in other thread and defer opengl work until texture needed, default True *mipmap* create and use mipmaps for this texture (if true - linear interpolation will be used by default, else nearest interpolation). see filter to control this behavior **NB BECAUSE THIS BEHAVIOUR IS SET GLOBALLY AT THE TIME THAT THE TEXTURE IS LOADED IT WILL BE SET BY THE LAST TEXTURE TO BE LOADED PRIOR TO DRAWING** TODO possibly reset in Buffer.draw() each time a texture is loaded? *m_repeat* if the texture is repeated (see umult and vmult in Shape.set_draw_details) then this can be used to make a non-seamless texture tile *free_after_load* release image memory after loading it in opengl *i_format* opengl internal format for the texture - see glTexImage2D *filter* interpolation to use for for textures: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR. if mipmap is true: NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST or LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (default) will be used as minfilter if mipmap is false: NEAREST (default) or LINEAR will be used as filter *normal_map* if a value is not None then the image file will be converted into a normal map where Luminance value is proportional to height. The value of nomral_map is used the scale the effect (see _normal_map()) *automatic_resize* deprecated from v2.45 - has no effect default to True, only set to False if you have ensured that any image dimensions match ones that the GPU can cope with, no resizing will take place. """ super(Texture, self).__init__() try: # should jump out of try/except if not a string when startswith() called self.string_type = FILE # read image from file if file_string.startswith('/') or file_string.startswith('C:'): #absolute address self.file_string = file_string else: for p in sys.path: self.file_string = os.path.join(p, file_string) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, file_string)): # this could theoretically get different files with same name break except: self.file_string = file_string if isinstance(self.file_string, np.ndarray): self.string_type = NUMPY # file_string is a numpy array else: self.string_type = PIL_IMAGE # file_string is a PIL Image self.blend = blend self.flip = flip self.size = size self.mipmap = mipmap self.m_repeat = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT if m_repeat else GL_REPEAT self.byte_size = 0 self.free_after_load = free_after_load self.i_format = i_format self.filter = filter self.normal_map = normal_map self._loaded = False self.automatic_resize = automatic_resize if defer: self.load_disk() else: self.load_opengl() def __del__(self): super(Texture, self).__del__() try: from pi3d.Display import Display if Display.INSTANCE is not None: Display.INSTANCE.textures_dict[str(self._tex)][1] = 1 Display.INSTANCE.tidy_needed = True except Exception as _e: # possible for self to have already been deleted here, logger won't work! #print('Texture.__del__ failed with exception "{}" and OpenGL ES error={}'.format( # _e, opengles.glGetError())) pass
[docs] def tex(self): """do the deferred opengl work and return texture""" self.load_opengl() return self._tex
def _get_format_from_array(self, arr, req_format): """get GL format depending on channels in array. doesn't verify if #channels is consistent with the GL format""" channels = min(arr.shape[2], 4) if len(arr.shape) == 3 else 1 if req_format == GL_ALPHA: return GL_ALPHA modes = [GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA] return modes[channels - 1] def _img_to_array(self, im): """convert image to numpy.array. if i_format is specified and the image isn't in an adequate format, convert image. if no i_format is specified, choose the most adequate OpenGL format depending on image mode.""" if self.i_format: # if format is specified, convert the image accordingly expected_mode = FORMAT_MODES[self.i_format] if im.mode != expected_mode: im = im.convert(expected_mode) elif im.mode not in ['RGBA', 'RGB', 'LA', 'L']: # other image types are converted to rgba im = im.convert('RGBA') if im.mode == 'LA': # convert LA image to array directly doesn't work # convert to rgba and strip rg channel - seems to be the fastest way rgba = im.convert('RGBA') arr = np.array(rgba)[:,:,2:4].astype(np.uint8) else: arr = np.array(im) if self.normal_map is not None: arr = self._normal_map(arr, self.normal_map) return arr def _load_disk(self): """overrides method of Loadable Pngfont, Font, Defocus and ShadowCaster inherit from Texture but don't do all this so have to override this """ # If already loaded, abort if self._loaded: return if self.string_type == FILE and PIL_OK: s = self.file_string + ' ' im = elif self.string_type == PIL_IMAGE and PIL_OK: s = 'PIL.Image ' im = self.file_string else: if self.string_type == NUMPY: s = 'numpy.ndarray ' self.image = self.file_string else: # i.e. FILE but not PIL_OK ''' NB this has to be a compressed numpy array saved using something like im = np.array('{}.png'.format(FNAME))) np.savez_compressed('{}'.format(FNAME), im) which will produce a file with extension .npz ''' s = self.file_string + ' ' self.image = np.load(self.file_string)['arr_0'] # has to be saved with default key self.iy, self.ix, _mode = self.image.shape self._tex = GLuint() self._loaded = True return # skip the rest for numpy arrays - faster but no size checking # only do this if loading from disk or PIL image self.ix, self.iy = im.size s += '(%s)' % im.mode if self.mipmap: resize_type = Image.BICUBIC else: resize_type = Image.NEAREST # work out if sizes > MAX_SIZE or coerce to multiple of 4 (new_w, new_h) = (self.ix, self.iy) from pi3d.Display import Display if Display.INSTANCE is not None: max_size = Display.INSTANCE.opengl.max_texture_size.value else: max_size = MAX_SIZE if new_h > new_w and new_h > max_size: # fairly rare circumstance (new_w, new_h) = (int(max_size * new_w / new_h), max_size) elif new_w > max_size: (new_w, new_h) = (max_size, int(max_size * new_h / new_w)) if (new_w % 4) != 0: new_w = int(new_w / 4) * 4 new_h = int(self.iy * new_w / self.ix) if new_w != self.ix: # only resize if had to change width im = im.resize((new_w, new_h), resize_type) (self.ix, self.iy) = (new_w, new_h) LOGGER.debug('Loading ...%s', s) if isinstance(self.flip, bool): # Old behaviour if self.flip: im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) else: if self.flip & 1: im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if self.flip & 2: im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #self.image = im.tostring('raw', RGBs) # TODO change to tobytes WHEN Pillow is default PIL in debian (jessie becomes current) self.image = self._img_to_array(im) self._tex = GLuint() if self.string_type == FILE and 'fonts/' in self.file_string: = im else: = None self._loaded = True def _load_opengl(self): """overrides method of Loadable""" try: opengles.glGenTextures(1, ctypes.byref(self._tex)) except: # TODO windows throws exceptions just for this call! LOGGER.debug("[warning glGenTextures() on windows only!]") from pi3d.Display import Display if Display.INSTANCE is not None: Display.INSTANCE.textures_dict[str(self._tex)] = [self._tex, 0] self.update_ndarray() def _get_filter(self, t): f = self.filter if f is None: # default for mipmap is linear f = GL_LINEAR if self.mipmap else GL_NEAREST if t == GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER and self.mipmap: # use mipmaps for min filter if requested requested f = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST if f == GL_LINEAR else GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST return f
[docs] def update_ndarray(self, new_array=None, texture_num=None): """to allow numpy arrays to be patched in to textures without regenerating new glTextureBuffers i.e. for movie textures *new_array* ndarray, if supplied this will be the pixel data for the new Texture2D *texture_num* int, if supplied this will make the update effective for a specific sampler number i.e. as held in the Buffer.textures array. This will be required where multiple textures are used on some of the Buffers being drawn in the scene""" if new_array is not None: self.image = new_array if texture_num is not None: opengles.glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + texture_num) opengles.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, self._tex) # set filters according to mipmap and filter request for t in [GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER]: opengles.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t, self._get_filter(t)) opengles.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, self.m_repeat) opengles.glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, self.m_repeat) iformat = self._get_format_from_array(self.image, self.i_format) opengles.glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, iformat, self.ix, self.iy, 0, iformat, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, self.image.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte))) if opengles.glGetError() == GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: LOGGER.critical('Out of GPU memory in Texture.update_ndarray') #opengles.glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) # invalid in OpenGLES 2 if self.mipmap: opengles.glGenerateMipmap(GL_TEXTURE_2D) if self.free_after_load: self.image = None self.file_string = None self._loaded = False
def _normal_map(self, image, factor=1.0): ''' takes a numpy array and returns a normal map (as np array using lightness as height map. Argument factor can scale the effect ''' if image.shape[2] > 2: gray = (image[:,:,:3] * [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]).sum(axis=2) # grayscale else: gray = image[:,:,0] grdnt = np.gradient(gray) # a tuple of two arrays x and y gradients grdnt[0] = 128.0 - grdnt[0] * 0.5 * factor # range -256 to +256 converted to grdnt[1] = 128.0 + grdnt[1] * 0.5 * factor # 0-255. x swapped r to l z = np.maximum(0, 65025 - grdnt[0]**2 - grdnt[1]**2) # ensure +ve for sqrt n_map = np.zeros(image.shape[:2] + (3,), dtype=np.uint8) # RGB same size n_map[:,:,0] = grdnt[0].astype(np.uint8) # R n_map[:,:,1] = grdnt[1].astype(np.uint8) # G n_map[:,:,2] = (z**0.5).astype(np.uint8) # B return n_map def _unload_opengl(self): """clear it out""" opengles.glDeleteTextures(1, ctypes.byref(self._tex)) # Implement pickle/unpickle support def __getstate__(self): # Make sure the image is actually loaded if not self._loaded: self._load_disk() return { 'blend': self.blend, 'flip': self.flip, 'size': self.size, 'mipmap': self.mipmap, 'file_string': self.file_string, 'ix': self.ix, 'iy': self.iy, 'image': self.image, '_tex': self._tex, '_loaded': self._loaded, 'opengl_loaded': False, 'disk_loaded': self.disk_loaded, 'm_repeat': self.m_repeat, 'i_format': self.i_format, 'free_after_load': self.free_after_load, 'filter': self.filter }
[docs]class TextureCache(object): def __init__(self, max_size=None): #TODO use max_size in some way self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): self.cache = {}
[docs] def create(self, file_string, blend=False, flip=False, size=0, **kwds): key = file_string, blend, flip, size texture = self.cache.get(key, None) if texture is None: texture = Texture(*key, **kwds) self.cache[key] = texture return texture