import ctypes
import numpy as np
from pi3d.Texture import Texture
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
unichr = chr
[docs]class Pngfont(Texture):
def __init__(self, font, color=(255,255,255,255)):
A method of writing in pi3d using 'hand designed' fonts, where the top
line of the texture contains metainformation about each character.
Mainly superseded by the Font class.
The name of a file containing a PNG texture.
A hex string representing a color.
#if not font.endswith('.png'):
# font += '.png'
super(Pngfont, self).__init__(font)
#self.font = font
#pixels =
self.glyph_table = {}
# Extract font information from top scanline of font image; create width,
# height, tex_coord and vertices for each character.
for v in range(95):
#x = (pixels[v * 2, 0][0] * 2.0) / self.ix
#y = ((pixels[v * 2, 0][1] + 8) * 2.0) / self.iy
x = (self.image[0, v * 2, 0] * 2.0) / self.ix
y = ((self.image[0, v * 2, 1] + 8) * 2.0) / self.iy
width = float(self.image[0, v * 2 + 1, 0])
height = float(self.image[0, v * 2 + 1, 1])
width_scale = width / self.ix
height_scale = height / self.iy
self.glyph_table[unichr(v + 32)] = [width, height,
[(x + width_scale, y - height_scale),
(x, y - height_scale),
(x, y),
(x + width_scale, y)],
[(width, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, -height, 0), (width, -height, 0)]]
self.height = height
#alph =[-1] #keep alpha
alph = self.image[:,:,3].copy()
#draw = ImageDraw.Draw(
#draw.rectangle((0, 1, self.ix, self.iy), fill=color)
lenc = len(color)
if lenc > 4: # hex string type
if lenc == 6 or lenc == 7: # rgb in hex form
color += 'ff' # append alpha
if lenc == 9: # hex has hash at start, remove it
color = color[1:]
color = [int(color[i, i+2], 16) for i in range(0, 7, 2)]
else: # rgb or rgba tuple
if lenc == 3:
self.image[:,:] = color
self.image[:,:,3] = np.minimum(self.image[:,:,3], alph)
#RGBs = 'RGBA' =
#self.image = np.array(
#self._tex = ctypes.c_uint()