from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
""" Text block used to update contents of buffers used to draw gl_point font characters.
import numpy as np
import math
import colorsys
import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WRAP_ON = [" ", "-", "_"]
[docs]def getattra(obj, attr, default):
if("[" in attr):
splits = attr.split("[")
index = int(splits[1].replace("]", ""))
thearray = getattr(obj, splits[0], None)
if(thearray is not None):
return thearray[index]
return default
return getattr(obj, attr, default)
[docs]class TextBlockColour(object):
def __init__(self, colour=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), textBlock=None):
self.colour = [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]]
self.textBlock = textBlock
[docs] def recolour(self):
[docs] def set_colour(self, colour=None, alpha=None):
if colour is not None:
self.colour[0:len(colour)] = colour[:] # could be 3 or 4, ambiguous
if alpha is not None:
self.colour[3] = alpha
textBlock = self.textBlock
manager = textBlock._text_manager
st = textBlock._buffer_index
mid = st + textBlock._string_length
end = st + textBlock.char_count
#Reset alpha to zero for all characters. Prevents displaying old chars from longer strings
manager.normals[st:end, 2] = 0
#Fill an array with the colour to copy to the manager normals
#rotation is included for efficiency
normal = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)
normal[0] = textBlock.rot + textBlock.char_rot
normal[1] = (self.colour[1] * 0.999) + (math.floor(self.colour[0] * 999))
normal[2] = (self.colour[3] * 0.999) + (math.floor(self.colour[2] * 999))
#Only set colour alpha for string length. Zero for non displayed characters
manager.normals[st:mid, :] = normal
[docs]class TextBlockColourGradient(TextBlockColour):
def __init__(self, colour1, colour2, textBlock=None):
self.colour1 = colour1
self.colour2 = colour2
self.textBlock = textBlock
[docs] def set_colour(self, colour1=None, colour2=None):
''' Colour each character with a gradient from colour1 to colour2
Interpolate hsv instead of rgb since it is a more natural change.
if colour1 is not None:
self.colour1 = colour1
if colour2 is not None:
self.colour2 = colour2
if self.textBlock is None:
colour1 = self.colour1
colour2 = self.colour2
textBlock = self.textBlock
manager = textBlock._text_manager
hsv1 = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(colour1[0], colour1[1], colour1[2])
hsv2 = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(colour2[0], colour2[1], colour2[2])
normal = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)
normal[0] = textBlock.rot + textBlock.char_rot
tlen = textBlock._string_length # alias for brevity below
for i in range(tlen):
h = hsv1[0] + (hsv2[0] - hsv1[0]) * i / tlen
s = hsv1[1] + (hsv2[1] - hsv1[1]) * i / tlen
v = hsv1[2] + (hsv2[2] - hsv1[2]) * i / tlen
a = colour1[3] + (colour2[3] - colour1[3]) * i / tlen
rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
normal[1] = (rgb[1] * 0.999) + math.floor((rgb[0] * 999))
normal[2] = (a * 0.999) + math.floor((rgb[2] * 999))
#Only set colour alpha for string length. Zero for non displayed characters
manager.normals[textBlock._buffer_index + i, :] = normal
[docs]class TextBlock(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, z, rot, char_count, data_obj=None, attr=None,
text_format="{:s}", size=0.99, spacing="C", space=1.1,
colour=(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) , char_rot=0.0, justify=0.0):
""" Arguments:
*x, y, z*:
As usual
rotation in degrees
number of characters for this block (capacity it can expand into)
Data object to use in text format
Attribute in data object to use in text format
Thetext format to use including any data formattings
Size of the text 0 to 0.9999
Type of character spacing. C=Constant, M=Multiplier, F=Fixed space between chars
Value to set the spacing to
drawn colour including alpha as format (0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 0.99)
character rotation in degrees
Justification position. 0.0=Left, 0.5=Center, 1.0=Right
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.rot = math.radians(rot)
self.char_count = char_count
self.data_obj = data_obj
self.attr = attr
self.text_format = text_format
self.size = size
self.spacing = spacing = space
self.point_size = 48
#If the colour is a tuple initialize it a plain colour
#Otherwise use a TextBlockColour object and its textBlock reference to this TextBlock
if isinstance(colour, tuple):
self.colouring = TextBlockColour(colour, self)
self.colouring = colour
self.colouring.textBlock = self
self.char_rot = math.radians(char_rot)
self.justify = justify
self.last_value = self # hack so that static None object get initialization
self.rotation_changed = False
self._buffer_index = 0
self._text_manager = None
self._string_length = 0
self.char_offsets = np.zeros((char_count, 3)) # x, y, char width for wrapping alignment
self._string_length = len(self.get_string(self.get_value()))
[docs] def set_text_manager(self, manager, buffer_index):
self._text_manager = manager
self._buffer_index = buffer_index
[docs] def get_value(self):
if (self.attr is not None) and (self.data_obj is not None):
return getattra(self.data_obj, self.attr, None)
return None
[docs] def get_string(self, value):
if value is not None:
strval = self.text_format.format(value)
self._string_length = len(strval)
return strval
return self.text_format
[docs] def set_position(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, rot=None):
if x is not None:
self.x = x
if y is not None:
self.y = y
if z is not None:
self.z = z
if rot is not None:
self.rot = math.radians(rot)
size_pos, __ = math.modf(self.size)
size_pos += math.trunc(self.z * 10.0) # depth has resolution of 0.1m and range of 25.5m
pos = [self.x, self.y, size_pos]
locations = np.zeros((self.char_count, 3), dtype=float)
(c, s) = (np.cos(self.rot), np.sin(self.rot))
matrix = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
locations[:,:2] =[:,:2].T).T
locations += pos
st = self._buffer_index
mid = st + self._string_length
end = st + self.char_count
self._text_manager.locations[st:end, :] = locations
self._text_manager.normals[st:mid, 0] = self.rot + self.char_rot
[docs] def recolour(self):
[docs] def set_text(self, text_format=None, size=None, spacing=None, space=None,
char_rot=None, set_pos=True, set_colour=True, wrap=None, line_space=1.0,
""" Arguments:
text to display or a format string for displaying value from data_obj
size of text 0.0 to 0.9999
'C', 'M' or 'F'
additional space between character
character rotation in degrees
control whether set_position() is called - default True
control whether set_colour() is called - default True
if set then line breaks insterted to wrap at this number of characters
multiplier for line spacing if multiline TextBlock
if set to value then lines will be wrapped to new line at this distance
TODO only aligns accurately with spacing type F
if text_format is not None:
self.text_format = text_format
if size is not None:
self.size = size
if spacing is not None:
self.spacing = spacing
if space is not None: = space
if char_rot is not None:
self.char_rot = math.radians(char_rot)
#If there is no data object then use the simple static string value
if self.data_obj is not None:
value = self.get_value()
strval = self.get_string(value)
self.last_value = value
strval = self.text_format
self._string_length = len(strval)
if self._string_length > self.char_count:
LOGGER.error("'%s' needs %s characters but only space for %s",
strval, self._string_length, self.char_count)
return -1
if wrap is not None:
strval = self.split_lines(strval, wrap)
pos = 0.0
spacing = 0.0 #to stop crash if zero length string
index = 0
#Now the string is updated set the correct glyphs and calculate the
#character offset positions. This is not the same as the final char positions.
const_width = 64.0 * self.size *
vari_width = 0.0
if self.spacing == "M":
const_width = 0.0
vari_width = self.size *
if self.spacing == "F":
vari_width = self.size
lines = [[0, 0]] # [start slice, end slice]
line_n = 0
"""scale is needed if pointsize is different in Points from Font which is
needed to avoid clipping or overlap of corners when rotation some truetype fonts"""
g_scale = float(self._text_manager.point_size) / self._text_manager.font.height
line_ht = None #need to use same line height for whole thing
for glyph in self._text_manager.font.glyph_table.values():
line_ht = glyph[1] * g_scale
last_space = None # index of last space on this line
for char in strval:
if char == '\n': ## new line
lines.append([index, index])
pos = 0.0
line_n += 1
if char in self._text_manager.font.glyph_table: # skip chars not in font
glyph = self._text_manager.font.glyph_table[char]
self._text_manager.uv[index+self._buffer_index] = glyph[4:]
char_offset = pos
char_width = glyph[0] * g_scale * vari_width
if self.spacing == "F":
#center character to the right
char_offset += char_width * 0.5
self.char_offsets[index] = [char_offset, -line_space * line_n * line_ht, char_width]
spacing = char_width + const_width
index += 1
lines[line_n][1] = index
pos += spacing
if wrap_pixels is not None and (char in WRAP_ON or index == len(strval)): # check if last word needs wrapping
if last_space is not None and pos > wrap_pixels: # wrap to new line
start_c = last_space
offset = (self.char_offsets[start_c - 1, 0] - self.char_offsets[0, 0]
+ 0.5 * (self.char_offsets[start_c - 1, 2] + self.char_offsets[0, 2]))
self.char_offsets[start_c:index,:2] -= [offset, line_space * line_ht]
lines[line_n][1] = last_space # revise end of line to before this space
last_c = (index - 2) if char == " " else index
lines.append([start_c, last_c])
pos = self.char_offsets[index - 1, 0] + self.char_offsets[index - 1, 2]
line_n += 1
last_space = None
last_space = index
for i in range(index, self.char_count): # if text re-used with shorter string
self._text_manager.uv[i + self._buffer_index] = [0.0, 0.0]
if len(strval) > 0: # could be passed zero length string to blank previous contents of TextBlock
for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
last_c = line[1] - (2 if strval[line[1] - 1] == " " else 1)
last_offs = self.char_offsets[last_c]
adjust_len = last_offs[0] + 0.5 * last_offs[2]
self.char_offsets[line[0]:line[1], 0] += adjust_len * -self.justify
if set_pos:
if set_colour:
[docs] def split_lines(self, txt, width):
new_txt = ""
line_len = 0
txt_words = txt.split()
for w in txt_words:
len_w = len(w)
if line_len > 0:
if (line_len + len_w) > width:
new_txt += "\n"
line_len = 0
new_txt += " "
line_len += 1
new_txt += w
line_len += len_w
return new_txt