Source code for pi3d.Keyboard

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import contextlib
import pi3d

from pi3d.constants import PLATFORM_PI, PLATFORM_ANDROID

if pi3d.USE_PYGAME:
  import pygame
  from pyxlib import x


"""Non-blocking keyboard which requires curses and only works on the current
terminal window or session.
[docs]class CursesKeyboard(object): def __init__(self): import curses self.key = curses.initscr() curses.cbreak() curses.noecho() self.key.keypad(1) self.key.nodelay(1)
[docs] def read(self): return self.key.getch()
[docs] def read_code(self): c = self.key.getch() if c > -1: return chr(c) return ""
[docs] def close(self): import curses curses.nocbreak() self.key.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin()
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: pass
"""Blocking keyboard which doesn't require curses and gets any keyboard inputs regardless of which window is in front. From """
[docs]class SysKeyboard(object): def __init__(self): import termios, fcntl, sys, os self.fd = sys.stdin.fileno() # save old state self.flags_save = fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) self.attrs_save = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd) # make raw - the way to do this comes from the termios(3) man page. attrs = list(self.attrs_save) # copy the stored version to update # iflag attrs[0] &= ~(termios.IGNBRK | termios.BRKINT | termios.PARMRK | termios.ISTRIP | termios.INLCR | termios. IGNCR | termios.ICRNL | termios.IXON ) # oflag attrs[1] &= ~termios.OPOST # cflag attrs[2] &= ~(termios.CSIZE | termios. PARENB) attrs[2] |= termios.CS8 # lflag attrs[3] &= ~(termios.ECHONL | termios.ECHO | termios.ICANON | termios.ISIG | termios.IEXTEN) termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSANOW, attrs) # turn off non-blocking fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.flags_save & ~os.O_NONBLOCK)
[docs] def read(self): try: return ord( except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0
[docs] def read_code(self): return ""
[docs] def close(self): termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.attrs_save) fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, self.flags_save)
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: pass
"""Keyboard using x11 functionality """
[docs]class x11Keyboard(object): KEYBOARD = [[0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [27, "Escape"], [49, "1"], [50, "2"], [51, "3"], [52, "4"], [53, "5"], [54, "6"], [55, "7"], [56, "8"], [57, "9"], [48, "0"], [45, "-"], [61, "="], [8, "BackSpace"], [9, "Tab"], [113, "q"], [119, "w"], [101, "e"], [114, "r"], [116, "t"], [121, "y"], [117, "u"], [105, "i"], [111, "o"], [112, "p"], [91, "["], [93, "]"], [13, "Return"], [0, "Control_L"], [97, "a"], [115, "s"], [100, "d"], [102, "f"], [103, "g"], [104, "h"], [106, "j"], [107, "k"], [108, "l"], [59, ";"], [39, "'"], [96, "`"], [0, "Shift_L"], [35, "#"], [122, "z"], [120, "x"], [99, "c"], [118, "v"], [98, "b"], [110, "n"], [109, "m"], [44, ","], [46, "."], [47, "/"], [0, "Shift_R"], [0, ""], [0, "Alt_L"], [32, "space"], [0, "Caps"], [145, "F1"], [146, "F2"], [147, "F3"], [148, "F4"], [149, "F5"], [150, "F6"], [151, "F7"], [152, "F8"], [153, "F9"], [154, "F10"], [0, "Num_Lock"], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [92, "\\"], [155, "F11"], [156, "F12"], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, ""], [13, "KP_Enter"], [0, "Control_R"], [0, ""], [0, ""], [0, "Alt_R"], [0, ""], [129, "Home"], [134, "Up"], [130, "Page_Up"], [136, "Left"], [137, "Right"], [132, "End"], [135, "Down"], [133, "Page_Down"], [128, "Insert"], [131, "DEL"]] def __init__(self): from pi3d.Display import Display self.display = Display.INSTANCE self.key_num = 0 self.key_code = "" def _update_event(self): if self.display is None: #Because DummyTkWin Keyboard instance created before Display! from pi3d.Display import Display self.display = Display.INSTANCE while len(self.display.event_list) > 0: e = self.display.event_list.pop(0) if e.type == x.KeyPress and e.xkey.keycode < len(self.KEYBOARD): self.key_num = self.KEYBOARD[e.xkey.keycode][0] self.key_code = self.KEYBOARD[e.xkey.keycode][1] return True return False
[docs] def read(self): if self._update_event(): return self.key_num else: return -1
[docs] def read_code(self): if self._update_event(): return self.key_code else: return ""
[docs] def close(self): pass
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: pass
"""Android keyboard - TODO all of this """
[docs]class AndroidKeyboard(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def read(self): return -1
[docs] def read_code(self): return ""
[docs] def close(self): pass
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: passwindows
"""Windows keyboard - uses pygame """
[docs]class PygameKeyboard(object): """ In this case KEYBOARD maps pygame codes to the X11 codes used above """ KEYBOARD = {282:[145, "F1"], 283:[146, "F2"], 284:[147, "F3"], 285:[148, "F4"], 286:[149, "F5"], 287:[150, "F6"], 288:[151, "F7"], 289:[152, "F8"], 290:[153, "F9"], 291:[154, "F10"], 60:[92, "\\"], 292:[155, "F11"], 293:[156, "F12"], 271:[13, "KP_Enter"], 305:[0, "Control_R"], 306:[0, "Control_L"], 308:[0, "Alt_L"], 307:[0, "Alt_R"], 278:[129, "Home"], 273:[134, "Up"], 280:[130, "Page_Up"], 276:[136, "Left"], 275:[137, "Right"], 279:[132, "End"], 274:[135, "Down"], 281:[133, "Page_Down"], 277:[128, "Insert"], 127:[131, "DEL"], 304:[0,"Shift_L"], 303:[0,"Shift_R"], 301:[0,"Caps"], 13:[0,"Return"], 8:[0,"BackSpace"]} def __init__(self): self.key_list = [] import pygame pygame.init() # shoudn't matter re-doing this. Some demos have Keyboard before Display pygame.key.set_repeat(500, 25) self.key_num = 0 self.key_code = ""
[docs] def read(self): import pygame pygame.event.get(pygame.KEYUP) # discard these TODO use them in some way? self.key_list.extend(pygame.event.get(pygame.KEYDOWN)) if len(self.key_list) > 0: key = self.key_list[0].key if key in self.KEYBOARD: self.key_code = self.KEYBOARD[key][1] key = self.KEYBOARD[key][0] elif key < 256: self.key_code = chr(key) # have to assume ascii code conversion will do else: self.key_code = "" self.key_list = self.key_list[1:] return key return -1
[docs] def read_code(self): key = if key == -1: return "" else: return self.key_code
[docs] def close(self): pass
def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: pass
[docs]def Keyboard(use_curses=USE_CURSES): '''Wrapper for the various keyboards appropriate to the PLATFORM argument: *use_curses* default True, use CursesKeyboard on raspberry pi rather than SysKeyboard ''' if pi3d.PLATFORM == pi3d.PLATFORM_ANDROID: return AndroidKeyboard() #elif PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS: elif pi3d.USE_PYGAME: return PygameKeyboard() elif pi3d.PLATFORM != pi3d.PLATFORM_PI: return x11Keyboard() else: return CursesKeyboard() if use_curses else SysKeyboard()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def KeyboardContext(use_curses=USE_CURSES): """ Using a context manager alows curses to restore the terminal to its initial tidy state even if the program is quitted using Ctrl+c. Typical usage:: with KeyboardContext() as keys: while DISPLAY.loop_running(): sprite.draw() if == 27: break """ keyboard = Keyboard(use_curses=use_curses) yield keyboard keyboard.close()