pi3d Package¶
(shape, pts, texcoords, faces, normals=None, smooth=True)[source]¶ Bases:
Holds the vertex, normals, incices and tex_coords for each part of a Shape that needs to be rendered with a different material or texture Shape holds an array of Buffer objects.
Generate a vertex buffer to hold data and indices. If no normals are provided then these are generated.
- Arguments:
- shape
- Shape object that this Buffer is a child of
- pts
- array of vertices tuples i.e. [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1),…]
- texcoords
- array of texture (uv) coordinates tuples i.e. [(u0,v0), (u1,v1),…]
- faces
- array of indices (of pts array) defining triangles i.e. [(a0,b0,c0), (a1,b1,c1),…]
- Keyword arguments:
- normals
- array of vector component tuples defining normals at each vertex i.e. [(x0,y0,z0), (x1,y1,z1),…]
- smooth
- if calculating normals then average normals for all faces meeting at this vertex, otherwise just use first (for speed).
= None¶ pass to shader array of vec3 uniform variables:
vec3 description python index from to 0 ntile, shiny, blend 0 2 1 material 3 5 2 umult, vmult, point_size 6 8 3 u_off, v_off, line_width/bump 9 10 4 specular RGB value *_reflect 11 14 NB line width and bump factor clash but shouldn’t be an issue
(pts=None, texcoords=None, normals=None, offset=0)[source]¶ Only reset the opengl buffer variables: vertices, tex_coords, normals (which will not be generated if not supplied) NB this method will go horribly wrong if you change the size of the arrays supplied in the argument as the opengles buffers are reused At least one of pts, texcoords or normals must be a list This method will run faster if the new data is passed as numpy 2D arrays.
- Arguments:
- pts
- numpy 2D array or list of (x,y,z) tuples, default None
- texcoords
- numpy 2D array or list of (u,v) tuples, default None
- normals
- numpy 2D array or list of (x,y,z) tuples, default None
- offset
- number of vertices offset from the start of vertices, default 0
(shader, textures, ntiles=0.0, shiny=0.0, umult=1.0, vmult=1.0, bump_factor=1.0)[source]¶ Can be used to set information needed for drawing as a one off rather than sending as arguments to draw().
- Arguments:
- shader
- Shader object
- textures
- array of Texture objects
- Keyword arguments:
- ntiles
- multiple for tiling normal map which can be less than or greater than 1.0. 0.0 disables the normal mapping, float
- shiny
- how strong to make the reflection 0.0 to 1.0, float
- umult
- multiplier for tiling the texture in the u direction
- vmult
- multiplier for tiling the texture in the v direction
- bump_factor
- multiplier for the normal map surface distortion effect
(shape=None, M=None, unif=None, shader=None, textures=None, ntl=None, shny=None, fullset=True)[source]¶ Draw this Buffer, called by the parent Shape.draw()
- Keyword arguments:
- shape
- Shape object this Buffer belongs to, has to be passed at draw to avoid circular reference
- shader
- Shader object
- textures
- array of Texture objects
- ntl
- multiple for tiling normal map which can be less than or greater than 1.0. 0.0 disables the normal mapping, float
- shiny
- how strong to make the reflection 0.0 to 1.0, float
(at=(0, 0, 0), eye=(0, 0, -0.1), lens=None, is_3d=True, scale=1.0, absolute=True)[source]¶ Bases:
required object for creating and drawing Shape objects. Default instance created if none specified in script prior to creating a Shape
Set up view matrix to look from eye to at including perspective
- Arguments:
- at
- tuple (x,y,z) location to look at
- eye
- tuple (x,y,z) location to look from
- lens
- tuple (near plane dist, far plane dist, VERTICAL field of view in degrees, display aspect ratio w/h)
- is_3d
- determines whether the camera uses a perspective or orthographic projection matrix
- scale
- number of pixels per unit of size for orthographic camera or divisor for fov if perspective
- absolute
- when True (default) then all rotations are relative to the absolute frame of reference. When False then rotations are relative to the rotated position
(lens=None, is_3d=True, scale=1.0)[source]¶ Has to be called each loop if the camera position or rotation changes
(target=[0.0, 0.0, 10000.0])[source]¶ point the camera at a point also return the tilt and rotation values
- Keyword argument:
- target
- Location as [x,y,z] array to point at, defaults to a high +ve z value as a kind of compass!
()[source]¶ returns the direction that the Camera is pointing as a numpy unit vector [x,y,z] this can be used directly for positioning the view position without resorting to trig functions. Also see relocate()
(rot=None, tilt=None, point=array([0., 0., 0.]), distance=array([0., 0., 0.]), normal=None, slope_factor=0.5, crab=False)[source]¶ A convenience function for frequently used Camera animation steps. The camera is reset and the rotation and tilt are applied. If a normal is not supplied the camera is positioned using the distance and point vectors. If there is a normal then the camera is moved to the point and the new position relative to this is returned. This behaviour allows the y coordinate to be subsequently adjusted (in the calling program) using ElevationMap.calcHeight()
The normal vector is also used in conjunction with the slope_factor to determine an adjustment to the distance moved each frame.
- rot
- absolute y rotation of the Camera
- tilt
- x rotation
- point
- 3D vector to move relative to (or to if normal is None)
- distance
- 3D vector from point to Camera
- normal
- 3D vector normal to surface at point
- slope_factor
- effect of normal vector on movement
- crab
- if True then distance is horizontally at right angles to direction that the Camera is pointing
(rx, ry, rz)[source]¶ Rotate camera
- Arguments:
- rx
- x rotation in degrees
- ry
- y rotation in degrees
- rz
- z rotation in degrees
(matrix=None)[source]¶ Or more correctly Tait-Bryan angles. Argument
- matrix
- can supply a rotation matrix to use (as generated by the following method.) Defaults to using the Camera.r_mtrx
in pi3d arrangement (C type and Z into screen):
cz.cx-sz.sx.sy cy.sz+cz.sx.sy -cx.sy -cx.sz cz.cx sx cz.sy+cy.sz.sx sz.sy-cz.cy.sx cx.cy``
(start_vector, vector)[source]¶ uses two 3D vectors (arrays) to generate a rotation vector representing the movement from one direction to another. NB because there are many ways of doing this the z rotation may not match so this this method might be best combined with the euler_angles system above. See the pi3d_demos/ForestStereo.py example - key press ‘k’
(start_vector, vector)¶ uses two 3D vectors (arrays) to generate a rotation vector representing the movement from one direction to another. NB because there are many ways of doing this the z rotation may not match so this this method might be best combined with the euler_angles system above. See the pi3d_demos/ForestStereo.py example - key press ‘k’
(tkwin=None, use_pygame=False)[source]¶ Bases:
This is the central control object of the pi3d system and an instance must be created before some of the other class methods are called.
Constructs a raw Display. Use pi3d.Display.create to create an initialized Display.
- tkwin
- An optional Tk window.
- use_pygame
- Flag to opt for pygame
= None¶ The current unique instance of Display.
()[source]¶ loop_running is the main event loop for the Display.
Most pi3d code will look something like this:
DISPLAY = Display.create() # Initialize objects and variables here. # ... while DISPLAY.loop_running(): # Update the frame, using DISPLAY.time for the current time. # ... # Check for quit, then call DISPLAY.stop. if some_quit_condition(): DISPLAY.stop()
must be called on the main Python thread, or else white screens and program crashes are likely.The Display loop can run in two different modes - free or framed.
is empty or 0 then the loop runs free - when it finishes one frame, it immediately starts working on the next frame.If
is a positive number then the Display is framed - when the Display finishes one frame before the next frame_time, it waits till the next frame starts.A free Display gives the highest frame rate, but it will also consume more CPU, to the detriment of other threads or other programs. There is also the significant drawback that the framerate will fluctuate as the numbers of CPU cycles consumed per loop, resulting in jerky motion and animations.
A framed Display has a consistent if smaller number of frames, and also allows for potentially much smoother motion and animation. The ability to throttle down the number of frames to conserve CPU cycles is essential for programs with other important threads like audio.
can be set at construction inDisplay.create
or changed on-the-fly during the execution of the program. IfDisplay.frames_per_second
is set too high, the Display doesn’t attempt to “catch up” but simply runs freely.
(r, g, b, alpha)[source]¶ Set the Display background. NB the actual drawing of the background happens during the rendering of the framebuffer by the shader so if no draw() is done by anything during each Display loop the screen will remain black If you want to see just the background you will have to draw() something out of view (i.e. behind) the Camera.
- r, g, b
- Color values for the display
- alpha
- Opacity of the color. An alpha of 0 means a transparent background, an alpha of 1 means full opaque.
(x=None, y=None, w=None, h=None, near=None, far=None, fov=45.0, depth=24, background=None, tk=False, window_title='', window_parent=None, mouse=False, frames_per_second=None, samples=0, use_pygame=False, layer=0, display_config=0, use_glx=False)[source]¶ Creates a pi3d Display.
- x
- Left x coordinate of the display. If None, defaults to the x coordinate of the tkwindow parent, if any.
- y
- Top y coordinate of the display. If None, defaults to the y coordinate of the tkwindow parent, if any.
- w
- Width of the display. If None, full the width of the screen.
- h
- Height of the display. If None, full the height of the screen.
- near
- This will be used for the default instance of Camera near plane
- far
- This will be used for the default instance of Camera far plane
- fov
- Used to define the Camera lens field of view
- depth
- The bit depth of the display - must be 8, 16 or 24.
- background
- r,g,b,alpha (opacity)
- tk
- Do we use the tk windowing system?
- window_title
- A window title for tk windows only.
- window_parent
- An optional tk parent window.
- mouse
- Automatically create a Mouse.
- frames_per_second
- Maximum frames per second to render (None means “free running”).
- samples
- EGL_SAMPLES default 0, set to 4 for improved anti-aliasing
- use_pygame
- To use pygame for display surface, mouse and keyboard - as per windows This almost certainly would conflict if attempting to use in combination with tk=True. Default False
- layer
- display layer height - used by dispmanx on Raspberry Pi only. -128 will move the pi3d window behind the X11 desktop
- display_config
- Configuration of display - See pi3d.constants for DISPLAY_CONFIG options
= True¶ Non-blocking keyboard which requires curses and only works on the current terminal window or session.
[source]¶ Bases:
= [[0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [27, 'Escape'], [49, '1'], [50, '2'], [51, '3'], [52, '4'], [53, '5'], [54, '6'], [55, '7'], [56, '8'], [57, '9'], [48, '0'], [45, '-'], [61, '='], [8, 'BackSpace'], [9, 'Tab'], [113, 'q'], [119, 'w'], [101, 'e'], [114, 'r'], [116, 't'], [121, 'y'], [117, 'u'], [105, 'i'], [111, 'o'], [112, 'p'], [91, '['], [93, ']'], [13, 'Return'], [0, 'Control_L'], [97, 'a'], [115, 's'], [100, 'd'], [102, 'f'], [103, 'g'], [104, 'h'], [106, 'j'], [107, 'k'], [108, 'l'], [59, ';'], [39, "'"], [96, '`'], [0, 'Shift_L'], [35, '#'], [122, 'z'], [120, 'x'], [99, 'c'], [118, 'v'], [98, 'b'], [110, 'n'], [109, 'm'], [44, ','], [46, '.'], [47, '/'], [0, 'Shift_R'], [0, ''], [0, 'Alt_L'], [32, 'space'], [0, 'Caps'], [145, 'F1'], [146, 'F2'], [147, 'F3'], [148, 'F4'], [149, 'F5'], [150, 'F6'], [151, 'F7'], [152, 'F8'], [153, 'F9'], [154, 'F10'], [0, 'Num_Lock'], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [92, '\\'], [155, 'F11'], [156, 'F12'], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, ''], [13, 'KP_Enter'], [0, 'Control_R'], [0, ''], [0, ''], [0, 'Alt_R'], [0, ''], [129, 'Home'], [134, 'Up'], [130, 'Page_Up'], [136, 'Left'], [137, 'Right'], [132, 'End'], [135, 'Down'], [133, 'Page_Down'], [128, 'Insert'], [131, 'DEL']]¶
[source]¶ Bases:
In this case KEYBOARD maps pygame codes to the X11 codes used above
= {8: [0, 'BackSpace'], 13: [0, 'Return'], 60: [92, '\\'], 127: [131, 'DEL'], 271: [13, 'KP_Enter'], 273: [134, 'Up'], 274: [135, 'Down'], 275: [137, 'Right'], 276: [136, 'Left'], 277: [128, 'Insert'], 278: [129, 'Home'], 279: [132, 'End'], 280: [130, 'Page_Up'], 281: [133, 'Page_Down'], 282: [145, 'F1'], 283: [146, 'F2'], 284: [147, 'F3'], 285: [148, 'F4'], 286: [149, 'F5'], 287: [150, 'F6'], 288: [151, 'F7'], 289: [152, 'F8'], 290: [153, 'F9'], 291: [154, 'F10'], 292: [155, 'F11'], 293: [156, 'F12'], 301: [0, 'Caps'], 303: [0, 'Shift_R'], 304: [0, 'Shift_L'], 305: [0, 'Control_R'], 306: [0, 'Control_L'], 307: [0, 'Alt_R'], 308: [0, 'Alt_L']}¶
(use_curses=True)[source]¶ Wrapper for the various keyboards appropriate to the PLATFORM
- use_curses
- default True, use CursesKeyboard on raspberry pi rather than SysKeyboard
(use_curses=True)[source]¶ Using a context manager alows curses to restore the terminal to its initial tidy state even if the program is quitted using Ctrl+c. Typical usage:
with KeyboardContext() as keys: while DISPLAY.loop_running(): sprite.draw() if keys.read() == 27: break
(lightpos=(10, -10, -5), lightcol=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), lightamb=(0.1, 0.1, 0.2), is_point=False)[source]¶ Bases:
Holds information about lighting to be used in shaders
set light values. These are set in Shape.unif as part of the Shape constructor. They can be changed using Shape.set_light() The pixel shade is calculated as:
(lightcol * texture) * dot(lightpos, -normal) + (lightamb * texture)
where * means component multiplying if between two vectors and dot() is the dot product of two vectors.
- Arguments:
- lightpos
- tuple (x,y,z) vector direction from the light i.e. an object at position (0,0,0) would appear to be lit from a light at (-3,4,-5) (left, above and nearer) if lightpos=(3,-4,5). ALTERNATIVELY if is_point is set to True then this is the actual position of the light
- lightcol
- tuple (r,g,b) defines shade and brightness 0.0 to 1.0 but see below for point lights
- lightamb
- tuple (r,g,b) ambient lighting values
- is_point
- the light behaves as a point and brightness falls off with distance. This means that the r,g,b values of lightcol usually have to be set higher than 1.0, objects close to the light will ‘white out’
(shfile=None, vshader_source=None, fshader_source=None)[source]¶ Bases:
This compiles and holds the shaders to be used to render the Shape Buffers using their draw() methods. Generally you will choose and load the Shader explicitly as part of the program, however some i.e. defocus are loaded automatically when you create an instance of the Defocus class. Shaders can be ‘re-used’ to draw different objects and the same object can be drawn using different Shaders.
The shaders included with the pi3d module fall into two categories:
- Textured - generally defined using the uv prefix, where an image needs to be loaded via the Texture class which is then mapped to the surface of the object. The 2d_flat shader is a special case of a textured shader which maps pixels in an image to pixels on the screen with an optional scaling and offset.
- Material - generally defined using the mat prefix, where a material shade (rgb) has to be set for the object to be rendered
Within these categories the shaders have been subdivided with a postfix to give full names like uv_flat, mat_bump etc:
- flat - no lighting is used, the shade rendered is the rgb value of the texture or material
- light - Light direction, shade and ambient shade are used give a 3D effect to the surface
- bump - a normal map texture needs to be loaded as well and this will be used to give much finer 3D effect to the surface than can be defined by the resolution of the vertices. The effect of the normal map drops with distance to give a detailed foreground without tiling artifacts in the distance. The shader is passed a variable to use for tiling the normal map which may be different from the tiling of the general texture. If set to 0.0 then no normal mapping will occur.
- reflect - in addition to a normal map an image needs to be supplied to act as a reflection. The shader is passed a value from 0.0 to 1.0 to determine the strength of the reflection.
The reason for using a host of different shaders rather than one that can do everything is that ‘if’ statements within the shader language are very time consuming.
- Arguments:
- shfile
- Pathname without vs or fs ending i.e. “shaders/uv_light”
- vshader_source
- String with the code for the vertex shader.
- fshader_source
- String with the code for the fragment shader.
= {}¶
(camera, light, name, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz)[source]¶ Bases:
inherited by all shape objects, including simple 2D sprite types
- Arguments:
- light
- Light instance: if None then Light.instance() will be used.
- name
- Name string for identification.
- x, y, z
- Location of the origin of the shape, stored in a uniform array.
- rx, ry, rz
- Rotation of shape in degrees about each axis.
- sx, sy, sz
- Scale in each direction.
- cx, cy, cz
- Offset vertices from origin in each direction.
= None¶ pass to shader array of vec3 uniform variables:
vec3 description python index from to 0 location 0 2 1 rotation 3 5 2 scale 6 8 3 offset 9 11 4 fog shade 12 14 5 fog distance, fog alpha, shape alpha 15 17 6 camera position 18 20 7 point light if 1: light0, light1, unused 21 23 8 light0 position, direction vector 24 26 9 light0 strength per shade 27 29 10 light0 ambient values 30 32 11 light1 position, direction vector 33 35 12 light1 strength per shade 36 38 13 light1 ambient values 39 41 14 defocus dist_from, dist_to, amount 42 44 # also 2D x, y 15 defocus frame width, height (only 2 used) 45 46 # also 2D w, h, tot_ht 16 custom data space 48 50 17 custom data space 51 53 18 custom data space 54 56 19 custom data space 57 59 Note: the fractional part of fog distance (i.e. 0.95 in 200.95) is interpretted as the start of fogging (i.e. start 190.90.. full by 200.95) If fog distance is a whole number then a value of 0.333 will be used (200 -> start 66.6.. full by 200.0)
= None¶ self.buf contains a buffer for each part of this shape that needs rendering with a different Shader/Texture. self.draw() relies on objects inheriting from this filling buf with at least one element.
(shader=None, txtrs=None, ntl=None, shny=None, camera=None, next_m=None, light_camera=None)[source]¶ If called without parameters, there has to have been a previous call to set_draw_details() for each Buffer in buf[]. NB there is no facility for setting umult and vmult with draw: they must be set using set_draw_details or Buffer.set_draw_details.
(shader)[source]¶ Wrapper method to set just the Shader for all the Buffer objects of this Shape. Used, for instance, in a Model where the Textures have been defined in the obj & mtl files, so you can’t use set_draw_details.
- shader
- Shader to use
(normtex, ntiles=1.0, shinetex=None, shiny=0.0, is_uv=True, bump_factor=1.0)[source]¶ Used to set some of the draw details for all Buffers in Shape. This is useful where a Model object has been loaded from an obj file and the textures assigned automatically.
- Arguments:
- normtex
- Normal map Texture to use.
- Keyword arguments:
- ntiles
- Multiplier for the tiling of the normal map.
- shinetex
- Reflection Texture to use.
- shiny
- Strength of reflection (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0).
- is_uv
- If True then the normtex will be textures[1] and shinetex will be textures[2] i.e. if using a ‘uv’ type Shader. However, for ‘mat’ type Shaders they are moved down one, as the basic shade is defined by material rgb rather than from a Texture.
- bump_factor
- multiplier for the normal map surface distortion effect
(shader, textures, ntiles=0.0, shiny=0.0, umult=1.0, vmult=1.0, bump_factor=1.0)[source]¶ Wrapper to call set_draw_details() for each Buffer object.
- Arguments:
- shader
- Shader object
- textures
- array of Texture objects
- Keyword arguments:
- ntiles
- multiple for tiling normal map which can be less than or greater than 1.0. 0.0 disables the normal mapping, float
- shiny
- how strong to make the reflection 0.0 to 1.0, float
- umult,vmult
- multipliers for tiling the texture in the u,v directions
- bump_factor
- multiplier for the normal map surface distortion effect
(material)[source]¶ Wrapper for setting material shade in each Buffer object.
- Arguments:
- material
- tuple (rgb) if any values > 1 then assume scale 0-255. If passed (rgba) then set alpha for this shape.
(textures)[source]¶ Wrapper for setting textures in each Buffer object.
- Arguments:
- textures
- list of Texture objects
(rgb)[source]¶ - Arguments:
- rgb
- tuple of red, green, blue values for Phong specular effect
(offset)[source]¶ Wrapper for setting uv texture offset in each Buffer object.
- Arguments:
- offset
- tuple (u_off, v_off) values between 0.0 and 1.0 to offset the texture sampler by
()[source]¶ Get offset as (u, v) tuple of (first) buf uv. Doesnt check that buf array exists and has at least one value and only returns offset for that value
(fogshade, fogdist)[source]¶ Set fog for this Shape only, it uses the shader smoothblend function over a variable proportion of fogdist (defaulting to 33.33% -> 100%).
- Arguments:
- fogshade
- tuple (rgba)
- fogdist
- distance from Camera at which Shape is 100% fogshade. The start of the fog depends on the decimal part of this value. i.e. 100.5 would start at 50, 100.9 would start at 90. If the decimal is 0 then the default start distance is 1/3 of fogdist i.e. 100 would start at 33
(alpha=1.0)[source]¶ Set alpha for this Shape only
- Arguments:
- alpha
- alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0 (default)
(light, num=0)[source]¶ Set the values of the lights.
- Arguments:
- light
- Light object to use
- num
- number of the light to set
(w=None, h=None, x=0, y=0)[source]¶ saves size to be drawn and location in pixels for use by 2d shader
Keyword arguments:
- w
- Width, pixels.
- h
- Height, pixels.
- x
- Left edge of image from left edge of display, pixels.
- y
- Top of image from top of display, pixels
(x, y)[source]¶ saves location in pixels for use by 2d shader
- x
- Left edge of image from left edge of display, pixels.
- y
- Top of image from top of display, pixels
(index_from, data)[source]¶ save general purpose custom data for use by any shader NB it is up to the user to provide data in the form of a suitable array of values that will fit into the space available in the unif array
- index_from
- start index in unif array for filling data should be 48 to 59 42 to 47 could be used if they do not conflict with existing shaders i.e. 2d_flat, defocus etc
- data
- 2D array of values to put in [[a,b,c],[d,e,f]]
(point_size=1.0)[source]¶ This will set the draw_method in all Buffers of this Shape. point_size less than or equal 0.0 will switch back to GL_TRIANGLES
(line_width=1.0, strip=True, closed=False)[source]¶ This will set the draw_method in all Buffers of this Shape
- line-width
- line width default 1. If set to <= 0.0 this will switch back to GL_TRIANGLES
- strip
- If True (default) then the line is drawn continuously from one point to the next i.e. each line after the first one is defined by a single addtional point. If false then each line is defined by pairs of points.
- closed
- if set to True then the last leg will be filled in. ie polygon. This only has any effect if strip is True
NB it differs from point size in that glLineWidth() is called here and that line width will be used for all subsequent draw() operations so if you want to draw shapes with different thickness lines you will have to call this method repeatedly just before each draw()
Also, there doens’t seem to be an equivalent of gl_PointSize as used in the shader language to make lines shrink with distance.
If you are drawing lines with high contrast they will look better anti aliased which is done by Display.create(samples=4)
()[source]¶ Find the limits of vertices in three dimensions. Returns a tuple (left, bottom, front, right, top, back)
(x, y, z)[source]¶ Arguments:
- x
- x position
- y
- y position
- z
- z position
self.tr1[3, 0] = x - self.unif[9] self.tr1[3, 1] = y - self.unif[10] self.tr1[3, 2] = z - self.unif[11] self.unif[0] = x self.unif[1] = y self.unif[2] = z self.MFlg = True
(direction, forward=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])[source]¶ works out the XYZ euler rotations to rotate this shape from forward to direction vectors
- Arguments:
- direction
- 3vector tuple, array or numpy array
- forward
- 3vector, usually +ve z direction
(direction, origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])[source]¶ Returns a tuple of two 3D numpy arrays representing the transformed origin of this Shape and the transformed direction vector
- Arguments:
- direction
- 3vector tuple, array or numpy array
- origin
- 3D point to use as origin of direction vector (i.e. if displaced from origin of shape)
(file_string, blend=False, flip=False, size=0, defer=True, mipmap=True, m_repeat=False, free_after_load=False, i_format=None, filter=None, normal_map=None, automatic_resize=True)[source]¶ Bases:
loads an image file from disk and converts it into an array that can be used by shaders. It inherits from Loadable in order that the file access work can happen in another thread. and the conversion to opengl format can happen just in time when tex() is first called.
NB images loaded as textures can cause distortion effects unless they are certain sizes (below). If the image width is a value not in this list then it will be rescaled with a resulting loss of clarity
Allowed widths 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 144, 192, 256, 288, 384, 512, 576, 640, 720, 768, 800, 960, 1024, 1080, 1920
- Arguments:
- file_string
- path and name of image file relative to top dir. Can now pass an already created PIL.Image object or a numpy array instead. The alpha value of Texture willl be set according to the ‘mode’ of Image objects or the size of the last dimension of numpy arrays (4 -> alpha is True)
- blend
- controls if low alpha pixels are discarded (if False) or drawn by the shader. If set to true then this texture needs to be drawn AFTER other objects that are FURTHER AWAY
- flip
- flips the image [not used for numpy arrays]. Now this parameter could be an integer value. If bit #0 is 1, a up-down flip is perfomed, also if bit #1 is set, a left-right flip occurs
- size
- to resize image to [not used for numpy arrays]
- defer
- can load from file in other thread and defer opengl work until texture needed, default True
- mipmap
- create and use mipmaps for this texture (if true - linear interpolation will be used by default, else nearest interpolation). see filter to control this behavior NB BECAUSE THIS BEHAVIOUR IS SET GLOBALLY AT THE TIME THAT THE TEXTURE IS LOADED IT WILL BE SET BY THE LAST TEXTURE TO BE LOADED PRIOR TO DRAWING TODO possibly reset in Buffer.draw() each time a texture is loaded?
- m_repeat
- if the texture is repeated (see umult and vmult in Shape.set_draw_details) then this can be used to make a non-seamless texture tile
- free_after_load
- release image memory after loading it in opengl
- i_format
- opengl internal format for the texture - see glTexImage2D
- filter
- interpolation to use for for textures: GL_NEAREST or GL_LINEAR. if mipmap is true: NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST or LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (default) will be used as minfilter if mipmap is false: NEAREST (default) or LINEAR will be used as filter
- normal_map
- if a value is not None then the image file will be converted into a normal map where Luminance value is proportional to height. The value of nomral_map is used the scale the effect (see _normal_map())
- automatic_resize
- deprecated from v2.45 - has no effect default to True, only set to False if you have ensured that any image dimensions match ones that the GPU can cope with, no resizing will take place.
(new_array=None, texture_num=None)[source]¶ to allow numpy arrays to be patched in to textures without regenerating new glTextureBuffers i.e. for movie textures
- new_array
- ndarray, if supplied this will be the pixel data for the new Texture2D
- texture_num
- int, if supplied this will make the update effective for a specific sampler number i.e. as held in the Buffer.textures array. This will be required where multiple textures are used on some of the Buffers being drawn in the scene
- constants Package
- events Package
- loader Package
- shape Package
- sprite Package
- util Package