from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import ctypes
import numpy as np
from math import radians, pi, sin, cos
from pi3d.constants import (opengles, GL_LINE_LOOP, GL_LINE_STRIP,
from pi3d.Buffer import Buffer
from pi3d.Light import Light
from pi3d.Camera import Camera
from pi3d.util import Utility
from pi3d.util.Ctypes import c_floats
from pi3d.util.Loadable import Loadable
[docs]class Shape(Loadable):
"""inherited by all shape objects, including simple 2D sprite types"""
def __init__(self, camera, light, name, x, y, z,
rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz):
Light instance: if None then Light.instance() will be used.
Name string for identification.
*x, y, z*
Location of the origin of the shape, stored in a uniform array.
*rx, ry, rz*
Rotation of shape in degrees about each axis.
*sx, sy, sz*
Scale in each direction.
*cx, cy, cz*
Offset vertices from origin in each direction.
super(Shape, self).__init__() = name
light = light if light is not None else Light.instance()
# uniform variables all in one array (for Shape and one for Buffer)
self.unif = (ctypes.c_float * 60)(
x, y, z, rx, ry, rz,
sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 5000.0, 0.8, 1.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, light.is_point, 0.0, 0.0,
light.lightpos[0], light.lightpos[1], light.lightpos[2],
light.lightcol[0], light.lightcol[1], light.lightcol[2],
light.lightamb[0], light.lightamb[1], light.lightamb[2],
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
""" pass to shader array of vec3 uniform variables:
===== ========================================== ==== ==
vec3 description python
----- ------------------------------------------ -------
index from to
===== ========================================== ==== ==
0 location 0 2
1 rotation 3 5
2 scale 6 8
3 offset 9 11
4 fog shade 12 14
5 fog distance, fog alpha, shape alpha 15 17
6 camera position 18 20
7 point light if 1: light0, light1, unused 21 23
8 light0 position, direction vector 24 26
9 light0 strength per shade 27 29
10 light0 ambient values 30 32
11 light1 position, direction vector 33 35
12 light1 strength per shade 36 38
13 light1 ambient values 39 41
14 defocus dist_from, dist_to, amount 42 44 # also 2D x, y
15 defocus frame width, height (only 2 used) 45 46 # also 2D w, h, tot_ht
16 custom data space 48 50
17 custom data space 51 53
18 custom data space 54 56
19 custom data space 57 59
===== ========================================== ==== ==
Note: the fractional part of fog distance (i.e. 0.95 in 200.95) is
interpretted as the start of fogging (i.e. start 190.90.. full by 200.95)
If fog distance is a whole number then a value of 0.333 will be used
(200 -> start 66.6.. full by 200.0)
self.shader = None
self.textures = []
self.buf = []
"""self.buf contains a buffer for each part of this shape that needs
rendering with a different Shader/Texture. self.draw() relies on objects
inheriting from this filling buf with at least one element.
self.children = []
self._camera = camera
def __init_matrices(self):
Shape holds matrices that are updated each time it is moved or rotated
this saves time recalculating them each frame as the Shape is drawn
self.tr1 = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[self.unif[0] - self.unif[9], self.unif[1] - self.unif[10], self.unif[2] - self.unif[11], 1.0]])
"""translate to position - offset"""
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[3])), cos(radians(self.unif[3]))
self.rox = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, c, s, 0.0],
[0.0, -s, c, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
self.roxflg = self.unif[3] != 0.0
"""rotate about x axis"""
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[4])), cos(radians(self.unif[4]))
self.roy = np.array([[c, 0.0, -s, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[s, 0.0, c, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
self.royflg = self.unif[4] != 0.0
"""rotate about y axis"""
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[5])), cos(radians(self.unif[5]))
self.roz = np.array([[c, s, 0.0, 0.0],
[-s, c, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
self.rozflg = self.unif[5] != 0.0
"""rotate about z axis"""
self.scl = np.array([[self.unif[6], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, self.unif[7], 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, self.unif[8], 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
self.sclflg = (self.unif[6] != 1.0) or (self.unif[7] != 1.0) or (self.unif[8] != 1.0)
self.tr2 = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[self.unif[9], self.unif[10], self.unif[11], 1.0]])
self.tr2flg = (self.unif[9] != 0.0) or (self.unif[10] != 0.0) or (self.unif[11] != 0.0)
"""translate to offset"""
self.MFlg = True
#self.M = np.zeros(32, dtype="float32").reshape(2,4,4)
self.M = np.zeros(48, dtype="float32").reshape(3,4,4) # 3rd matrix added for casting shadows v2.7
[docs] def draw(self, shader=None, txtrs=None, ntl=None, shny=None, camera=None, next_m=None, light_camera=None):
"""If called without parameters, there has to have been a previous call to
set_draw_details() for each Buffer in buf[].
NB there is no facility for setting umult and vmult with draw: they must be
set using set_draw_details or Buffer.set_draw_details.
self.load_opengl() # really just to set the flag so _unload_opengl runs
camera = camera or self._camera or Camera.instance()
if not camera.mtrx_made:
if light_camera and not light_camera.mtrx_made:
if self.MFlg or next_m is not None or len(self.children) > 0:
# Calculate rotation and translation matrix for this model using numpy.
self.MRaw = self.tr1
if self.rozflg:
self.MRaw =, self.MRaw)
if self.roxflg:
self.MRaw =, self.MRaw)
if self.royflg:
self.MRaw =, self.MRaw)
if self.sclflg:
self.MRaw =, self.MRaw)
if self.tr2flg:
self.MRaw =, self.MRaw)
# child drawing addition #############
if next_m is not None:
self.MRaw =, next_m)
if len(self.children) > 0:
for c in self.children:
c.draw(shader, txtrs, ntl, shny, camera, self.MRaw, light_camera) # TODO issues where child doesn't use same shader
self.M[0,:,:] = self.MRaw[:,:]
self.M[1,:,:] =, camera.mtrx)[:,:]
if light_camera is not None:
self.M[2,:,:] =, light_camera.mtrx)[:,:]
self.MFlg = False
elif camera.was_moved:
# Only do this if it's not done because model moved.
self.M[1,:,:] =, camera.mtrx)[:,:]
if light_camera is not None:
self.M[2,:,:] =, light_camera.mtrx)[:,:]
if camera.was_moved:
self.unif[18:21] = camera.eye[0:3]
for b in self.buf:
# Shape.draw has to be passed either parameter == None or values to pass
# on.
b.draw(self, self.M, self.unif, shader, txtrs, ntl, shny)
[docs] def set_shader(self, shader):
"""Wrapper method to set just the Shader for all the Buffer objects of
this Shape. Used, for instance, in a Model where the Textures have been
defined in the obj & mtl files, so you can't use set_draw_details.
Shader to use
self.shader = shader
for b in self.buf:
b.shader = shader
[docs] def set_normal_shine(self, normtex, ntiles=1.0, shinetex=None,
shiny=0.0, is_uv=True, bump_factor=1.0):
"""Used to set some of the draw details for all Buffers in Shape.
This is useful where a Model object has been loaded from an obj file and
the textures assigned automatically.
Normal map Texture to use.
Keyword arguments:
Multiplier for the tiling of the normal map.
Reflection Texture to use.
Strength of reflection (ranging from 0.0 to 1.0).
If True then the normtex will be textures[1] and shinetex will be
textures[2] i.e. if using a 'uv' type Shader. However, for 'mat' type
Shaders they are moved down one, as the basic shade is defined by
material rgb rather than from a Texture.
multiplier for the normal map surface distortion effect
ofst = 0 if is_uv else -1
for b in self.buf:
b.textures = b.textures or []
if is_uv and not b.textures:
b.textures = [normtex]
while len(b.textures) < (2 + ofst):
b.textures[1 + ofst] = normtex
b.unib[0] = ntiles
b.unib[11] = bump_factor
if shinetex is not None:
while len(b.textures) < (3 + ofst):
b.textures[2 + ofst] = shinetex
b.unib[1] = shiny
[docs] def set_draw_details(self, shader, textures, ntiles = 0.0, shiny = 0.0,
umult=1.0, vmult=1.0, bump_factor=1.0):
"""Wrapper to call set_draw_details() for each Buffer object.
Shader object
array of Texture objects
Keyword arguments:
multiple for tiling normal map which can be less than or greater
than 1.0. 0.0 disables the normal mapping, float
how strong to make the reflection 0.0 to 1.0, float
multipliers for tiling the texture in the u,v directions
multiplier for the normal map surface distortion effect
self.shader = shader
for b in self.buf:
b.set_draw_details(shader, textures, ntiles, shiny, umult, vmult, bump_factor)
[docs] def set_material(self, material):
"""Wrapper for setting material shade in each Buffer object.
tuple (rgb) if any values > 1 then assume scale 0-255. If passed (rgba)
then set alpha for this shape.
if any((v > 1 for v in material)):
material = tuple(v / 255.0 for v in material)
if len(material) > 3:
for b in self.buf:
[docs] def set_textures(self, textures):
"""Wrapper for setting textures in each Buffer object.
list of Texture objects
for b in self.buf:
[docs] def set_specular(self, rgb):
tuple of red, green, blue values for Phong specular effect
for b in self.buf:
b.unib[12:15] = rgb
[docs] def set_offset(self, offset):
"""Wrapper for setting uv texture offset in each Buffer object.
tuple (u_off, v_off) values between 0.0 and 1.0 to offset the texture
sampler by
for b in self.buf:
[docs] def offset(self):
"""Get offset as (u, v) tuple of (first) buf uv. Doesnt check that buf array
exists and has at least one value and only returns offset for that value"""
return self.buf[0].unib[9:11]
[docs] def set_fog(self, fogshade, fogdist):
"""Set fog for this Shape only, it uses the shader smoothblend function
over a variable proportion of fogdist (defaulting to 33.33% -> 100%).
tuple (rgba)
distance from Camera at which Shape is 100% fogshade. The start of
the fog depends on the decimal part of this value. i.e. 100.5 would
start at 50, 100.9 would start at 90. If the decimal is 0 then the
default start distance is 1/3 of fogdist i.e. 100 would start at 33
self.unif[12:15] = fogshade[0:3]
self.unif[15] = fogdist
self.unif[16] = fogshade[3]
[docs] def set_alpha(self, alpha=1.0):
"""Set alpha for this Shape only
alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0 (default)
self.unif[17] = alpha
[docs] def alpha(self):
"""Get value of alpha"""
return self.unif[17]
[docs] def set_light(self, light, num=0):
"""Set the values of the lights.
Light object to use
number of the light to set
#TODO (pg) need MAXLIGHTS global variable, room for two now but shader
# only uses 1.
if num > 1 or num < 0:
num = 0
stn = 24 + num * 9
self.unif[stn:(stn + 3)] = light.lightpos[0:3]
self.unif[(stn + 3):(stn + 6)] = light.lightcol[0:3]
self.unif[(stn + 6):(stn + 9)] = light.lightamb[0:3]
self.unif[21 + num] = light.is_point
[docs] def set_2d_size(self, w=None, h=None, x=0, y=0):
"""saves size to be drawn and location in pixels for use by 2d shader
Keyword arguments:
Width, pixels.
Height, pixels.
Left edge of image from left edge of display, pixels.
Top of image from top of display, pixels
from pi3d.Display import Display
if w is None:
w = Display.INSTANCE.width
if h is None:
h = Display.INSTANCE.height
self.unif[42:44] = [x, y]
self.unif[45:48] = [w, h, Display.INSTANCE.height]
[docs] def set_2d_location(self, x, y):
"""saves location in pixels for use by 2d shader
Left edge of image from left edge of display, pixels.
Top of image from top of display, pixels
self.unif[42:44] = [x, y]
[docs] def set_custom_data(self, index_from, data):
"""save general purpose custom data for use by any shader **NB it is up
to the user to provide data in the form of a suitable array of values
that will fit into the space available in the unif array**
start index in unif array for filling data should be 48 to 59
42 to 47 could be used if they do not conflict with existing shaders
i.e. 2d_flat, defocus etc
2D array of values to put in [[a,b,c],[d,e,f]]
self.unif[index_from:(index_from + len(data))] = data
[docs] def set_point_size(self, point_size=1.0):
"""This will set the draw_method in all Buffers of this Shape. point_size
less than or equal 0.0 will switch back to GL_TRIANGLES"""
for b in self.buf:
b.unib[8] = point_size
b.draw_method = GL_POINTS if point_size > 0.0 else GL_TRIANGLES
[docs] def set_line_width(self, line_width=1.0, strip=True, closed=False):
"""This will set the draw_method in all Buffers of this Shape
line width default 1. If set to <= 0.0 this will switch back to
If True (default) then the line is drawn continuously from one
point to the next i.e. each line after the first one is defined
by a single addtional point. If false then each line is defined by
pairs of points.
if set to True then the last leg will be filled in. ie polygon.
This only has any effect if *strip* is True
NB it differs from point size in that glLineWidth() is called here
and that line width will be used for all subsequent draw() operations
so if you want to draw shapes with different thickness lines you will
have to call this method repeatedly just before each draw()
Also, there doens't seem to be an equivalent of gl_PointSize as used
in the shader language to make lines shrink with distance.
If you are drawing lines with high contrast they will look better
anti aliased which is done by Display.create(samples=4) """
for b in self.buf:
b.unib[11] = line_width
if strip:
draw_method = GL_LINE_LOOP if closed else GL_LINE_STRIP
draw_method = GL_LINES
b.draw_method = draw_method if line_width > 0.0 else GL_TRIANGLES
[docs] def re_init(self, pts=None, texcoords=None, normals=None, offset=0):
""" wrapper for Buffer.re_init()
self.buf[0].re_init(pts, texcoords, normals, offset)
[docs] def add_child(self, child):
"""puts a Shape into the Shape.children list"""
[docs] def x(self):
"""get value of x"""
return self.unif[0]
[docs] def y(self):
"""get value of y"""
return self.unif[1]
[docs] def z(self):
"""get value of z"""
return self.unif[2]
[docs] def get_bounds(self):
"""Find the limits of vertices in three dimensions. Returns a tuple
(left, bottom, front, right, top, back)
left, bottom, front = 10000.0, 10000.0, 10000.0
right, top, back = -10000.0, -10000.0, -10000.0
for b in self.buf:
v = b.array_buffer # alias to simplify code. vertices are array_buffer[:,0:3]
left = min(left, v[:,0].min())
bottom = min(bottom, v[:,1].min())
front = min(front, v[:,2].min())
right = max(right, v[:,0].max())
top = max(top, v[:,1].max())
back = max(back, v[:,2].max())
return (left, bottom, front, right, top, back)
[docs] def scale(self, sx, sy, sz):
x scale
y scale
z scale
self.scl[0, 0] = sx
self.scl[1, 1] = sy
self.scl[2, 2] = sz
self.unif[6] = sx
self.unif[7] = sy
self.unif[8] = sz
self.MFlg = True
self.sclflg = True
[docs] def position(self, x, y, z):
x position
y position
z position
self.tr1[3, 0] = x - self.unif[9]
self.tr1[3, 1] = y - self.unif[10]
self.tr1[3, 2] = z - self.unif[11]
self.unif[0] = x
self.unif[1] = y
self.unif[2] = z
self.MFlg = True""" = x, y, z
[docs] def positionX(self, v):
x position
self.tr1[3, 0] = v - self.unif[9]
self.unif[0] = v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def positionY(self, v):
y position
self.tr1[3, 1] = v - self.unif[10]
self.unif[1] = v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def positionZ(self, v):
z position
self.tr1[3, 2] = v - self.unif[11]
self.unif[2] = v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def translate(self, dx, dy, dz):
x translation
y translation
z translation
self.tr1[3, 0] += dx
self.tr1[3, 1] += dy
self.tr1[3, 2] += dz
self.MFlg = True
self.unif[0] += dx
self.unif[1] += dy
self.unif[2] += dz
[docs] def translateX(self, v):
x translation
self.tr1[3, 0] += v
self.unif[0] += v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def translateY(self, v):
y translation
self.tr1[3, 1] += v
self.unif[1] += v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def translateZ(self, v):
z translation
self.tr1[3, 2] += v
self.unif[2] += v
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def rotateToX(self, v):
x rotation
s, c = sin(radians(v)), cos(radians(v))
self.rox[1, 1] = self.rox[2, 2] = c
self.rox[1, 2] = s
self.rox[2, 1] = -s
self.unif[3] = v
self.MFlg = True
self.roxflg = True
[docs] def rotateToY(self, v):
y rotation
s, c = sin(radians(v)), cos(radians(v))
self.roy[0, 0] = self.roy[2, 2] = c
self.roy[0, 2] = -s
self.roy[2, 0] = s
self.unif[4] = v
self.MFlg = True
self.royflg = True
[docs] def rotateToZ(self, v):
z rotation
s, c = sin(radians(v)), cos(radians(v))
self.roz[0, 0] = self.roz[1, 1] = c
self.roz[0, 1] = s
self.roz[1, 0] = -s
self.unif[5] = v
self.MFlg = True
self.rozflg = True
[docs] def rotateIncX(self, v):
x rotational increment
self.unif[3] += v
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[3])), cos(radians(self.unif[3]))
self.rox[1, 1] = self.rox[2, 2] = c
self.rox[1, 2] = s
self.rox[2, 1] = -s
self.MFlg = True
self.roxflg = True
[docs] def rotateIncY(self, v):
y rotational increment
self.unif[4] += v
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[4])), cos(radians(self.unif[4]))
self.roy[0, 0] = self.roy[2, 2] = c
self.roy[0, 2] = -s
self.roy[2, 0] = s
self.MFlg = True
self.royflg = True
[docs] def rotateIncZ(self, v):
z rotational increment
self.unif[5] += v
s, c = sin(radians(self.unif[5])), cos(radians(self.unif[5]))
self.roz[0, 0] = self.roz[1, 1] = c
self.roz[0, 1] = s
self.roz[1, 0] = -s
self.MFlg = True
self.rozflg = True
# propteries and setters for the 3D vectors pos, rot, scale, offset
def xyz(self):
return self.unif[0:3]
def xyz(self, val):
self.tr1[3, 0:3] = [val[i] - self.unif[9 + i] for i in range(3)]
self.unif[0:3] = val
self.MFlg = True
def rxryrz(self):
return self.unif[3:6]
def rxryrz(self, val):
def sxsysz(self):
return self.unif[0:3]
def sxsysz(self, val):
self.scl[[0,1,2],[0,1,2]] = val
self.unif[6:9] = val
self.MFlg = True
self.sclflg = True
def cxcycz(self):
return self.unif[0:3]
def cxcycz(self, val):
self.tr2[3, 0:3] = val
self.unif[9:12] = val
self.MFlg = True
[docs] def rotate_to_direction(self, direction, forward=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]):
""" works out the XYZ euler rotations to rotate this shape from
forward to direction vectors
3vector tuple, array or numpy array
3vector, usually +ve z direction
if type(direction) is not np.ndarray:
direction = np.array(direction)
if type(forward) is not np.ndarray:
forward = np.array(forward)
if self._camera is None:
self._camera = Camera.instance() # TODO may be issues doing this not in main thread (otherwise why not in Shape.__init__()?)
rot_mtrix = self._camera.matrix_from_two_vectors(forward, direction)
rot_euler = self._camera.euler_angles(rot_mtrix)
self.rotateToX(-rot_euler[0]) # unclear why x and y need to be -ve
self.rotateToY(-rot_euler[1]) # something to do with sense of rotation of camera
[docs] def shallow_clone(self):
"""Returns a copy of this shape with its own transform details, location,
rotation etc but textures and buf arrays point to the existing objects
without copying them.
state = self.__getstate__()
clone = Shape(None, None, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
clone.__setstate__(state) # everything is overwritten here
return clone
def _lathe(self, path, sides=12, rise=0.0, loops=1.0):
"""Returns a Buffer object by rotating the points defined in path.
An array of points [(x0, y0), (x1, y1) ...] to rotate around
the y axis.
Keyword arguments:
Number of sides to divide each rotation into.
Amount to increment the path y values for each rotation (ie helix)
Number of times to rotate the path by 360 (ie helix).
self.sides = sides
s = len(path)
rl = int(self.sides * loops)
pn = 0
pp = 0
tcx = 1.0 / self.sides
pr = (pi / self.sides) * 2.0
rdiv = rise / rl
# Find length of the path
path_len = 0.0
for p in range(1, s):
path_len += ((path[p][0] - path[p-1][0])**2 +
(path[p][1] - path[p-1][1])**2)**0.5
verts = []
norms = []
idx = []
tex_coords = []
opx = path[0][0]
opy = path[0][1]
tcy = 0.0
for p in range(s):
px, py = path[p][0], path[p][1] # for brevity
if p > 0:
tcy += ((px - opx) ** 2 + (py - opy) ** 2) ** 0.5 / path_len
dx, dy = Utility.vec_normal(Utility.vec_sub((px, py), (opx, opy)))
for r in range (0, rl + 1):
sinr = sin(pr * r)
cosr = cos(pr * r)
verts.append((px * sinr, py, px * cosr))
norms.append((-sinr * dy, dx, -cosr * dy))
tex_coords.append((1.0 - tcx * r, tcy))
py += rdiv
if p < s - 1:
pn += (rl + 1)
for r in range(rl):
idx.append((pp + r + 1, pp + r, pn + r))
idx.append((pn + r, pn + r + 1, pp + r + 1))
pp += (rl + 1)
opx = px
opy = py
return Buffer(self, verts, tex_coords, idx, norms)
def __getstate__(self):
return {
'unif': list(self.unif),
#'childModel': self.childModel,
'children': self.children,
'buf': self.buf,
'textures': self.textures,
'shader': self.shader
def __setstate__(self, state):
unif_tuple = tuple(state['unif'])
self.unif = (ctypes.c_float * 60)(*unif_tuple)
#self.childModel = state['childModel'] = state['name']
self.children = state['children']
self.buf = state['buf']
self.textures = state['textures']
self.shader = state['shader']
self.opengl_loaded = False
self.disk_loaded = True
self._camera = None